01 November 2015

Some Recommended Reading in Alphabetical Order

Details given below are those of our personal copies from our own library of some 1250 spiritual books.

ROSEMARY ALTEA - The Eagle and the Rose
Her First Nation Apache guide Grey Eagle and Rosemary give the title to a fascinating book about how he teaches her how to heal, astral travel and rescue souls. Easy to read illustrations of the spiritual realities and philosophy of life in this mighty partnership of guide and spirit worker.
Bantam Books
ISBN 0 553 40974 3

This very readable and enlightening book gives lessons, insight and healing from "The Voice of the Spirit World". She gives her life experiences openly for her readers to learn from in a refreshing and very honest way.
Eagle Book
ISBN 0-688-14998-7

MICHAEL AYERS - Living Proof
Occasionally in life we come across something that is different and quite exceptional.  'Living Proof' comes in that category.
It is  not often that a mature male opens his heart and mind to the world in order that other people can feel and follow the traumas he has gone through seeing his wife die.
The difference in this book is the way Michael Ayers' wife, Libby, has been able to reach back to him from the Spirit World in order to help him overcome the depression following her death and to develop his own spiritual gifts that serve to guide and comfort others. 
ISBN 978-1-911425-50-2

ANTHONY BORGIA - Life in the World Unseen
Description of the passing and the finding of the Spirit World by a clergyman, who got it all wrong and wanted to redress his mistakes that he had made while on the earth plane by telling us what it was like there.
Psychic Press
ISBN 0-9636435-0-9

RAMUS BRANCH - Harry Edwards - The Life Story of the Great Healer
Harry Edwards was the greatest spiritual healer of modern times and his life story is one of great interest to all those who are interested in serving the Godhead by healing their fellow man and woman.
Healer Publishing
Available from The Harry Edwards Spiritual Healing Sanctuary, Burrows Lea, Shere, Guildford, Surrey GU5 9GG UK

ROSEMARY BROWN - Unfinished Symphonies
Many have believed themselves to be inspired by the spirits of famous composers, but Rosemary Brown is convinced that many composers including Liszt talk to her and give her their most recent compositions. They are as real to her as ordinary earthly people are to you and I. Unfinished Symphonies contains many examples of the author's spiritual gifts made all the more impressive because of their naturalness and unexpected appearance.
Souvenir Press
ISBN 0-552-12361-7

ROSEMARY BROWN - Look Beyond Today
Composers like Liszt, Chopin and Beethoven and playwrights and philosophers such as George Bernard Shaw and Bertrand Russell are as real as her own family and she movingly describes her meetings with the murdered John Lennon, who chose her to pass on his thoughts and his new songs to the world.
Bantam Press
ISBN 0-593-01041-8

ROSEMARY BROWN – Immortals at My Elbow
This book contains a message which can change human attitudes, as she channels more great composers and thinkers from the Spirit Realms, whose experiences are further enlightened by their time beyond this Earth and they can teach us how we should be understanding the way to live before we move on as they have done.
Bachman and Turner
ISBN 0 85974 019 6

SYLVIA BROWNE - The Other Side and Back - A Psychic's Guide to Our World and Beyond
This well known American Psychic brings in her own brand of Spiritual Knowledge and Gnosticism from her own higher guides.
ISBN 0 7499 2091 2

LORNA BYRNE - Angels in my Hair - The true story of a modern-day Irish mystic
Those who see angels are close to being angels.  In this book, Lorna beautifully and graphically describes angels and how they work.
HB ISBN 9781846051777 or TPS ISBN 9781846051784

SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE - The History of Spiritualism
A truly astonishing book, as fresh now as when it was first written.  It is a classic, easy to read and packed with detail about how the events that lead to Spiritualism all started in America and came to Europe.  Through his brilliant and deductive mind the subject can be understood much more easily.
The Spiritual Truth Press
ISBN 0 85384 110 1

BETTY J. EADIE - Embraced by the Light - What Happens When You Die?
This very devoted lady died on the operating table, but returned after a near death experience to complete a job that was required of her.
ISBN 1 85538 439 6

HARRY EDWARDS - Life in Spirit
This is the story of John and Mary - any John, any Mary, brother and sister, husband and wife, sweethearts, friends.  The story of you and me, but with this difference, John and Mary have 'died' and have entered into their new 'Life in Spirit'.
Healer Publishing

REV. G. MAURICE ELLIOT - The Bible as Psychic History
This scholarly little book explains clearly how modern psychical knowledge can illuminate the entire Bible story.  Its survey of the Old and New Testament "miracles" reveals an astonishing similarity with more recent psychic phenomena and intimates what could easily have happened in Biblical times.
Rider and Company

REV. G. MAURICE ELLIOT - The Psychic Life of Jesus
Jesus is reported to have said, "He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do," and that "signs", such as the healing of the sick, would follow them that believed.
Jesus healed the sick.  It was one of his "works".  The Church, while professing to believe in Jesus, does not heal the sick, does not his "works".  But, according to Jesus, if the Church "believed" the sick would be healed.  He said so.  The healing of the sick was to be a "sign" of "belief".

CARON B. GOODE - Kids who see Ghosts
How to Guide Them Through Fear
Is your child psychic?  Is your child's "imaginary friend" actually a ghost?  Is your own fear fostering your child's?
The author takes a close look at kids who see ghosts, parents who want to help them, the science of perception and how kids are affected.  Cautious and concerned parents often fear for their children, but Goode shows parents how to educate themselves and use real tools and exercises to help children through a frightening experience.
ISBN 978-1-57863-472-9

ESTHER AND JERRY HICKS - Ask and It is Given
It is hailed by numerous leading spiritual and personal development teachers as one of the most important books of our time.  It has profoundly changed many people’s lives.
Using the 22 powerful processes will help you to change the way you look at things and as you do so the things you look at will change.  You will see a whole new world unfold right in front of your eyes.
ISBN 978-1-4019-0459-3

COLIN J HUMPHREYS - The Mystery of the Last Supper - Reconstructing the Final Days of Jesus
Apparent inconsistencies in the gospel accounts of Jesus' final week have puzzled Bible scholars for centuries. The gospel narratives do not seem to allow enough time for all events recorded between the last supper and the crucifixion, whilst indicating that Wednesday was a missing day on which Jesus did nothing.
Colin Humphreys presents a compelling, fresh account of how these inconsistencies can be explained, drawing on evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Egyptian texts and using astronomy to reconstruct ancient calendars.
In doing so, Humphreys proposes a new theory - that the last supper took place on a Wednesday rather than Thursday as traditionally believed - and successfully unifies the supposedly contradictory gospel stories.
Cambridge University Press
ISBN 978-0-521-73200-0

COLIN J HUMPHREYS - The Miracles of Exodus
A scientist's discovery of the extraordinary natural causes of the biblical stories.  The book explores the truth about these and all other Exodus mysteries including the precise locations of the Red Sea crossing and the route of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt 3,000 years ago.  This investigation explains the ten plagues, the true location of Mount Sinai, the ultimate crossing of the Jordan and much more.
Colin Humphreys, a distinguished Cambridge University physicist, uses physics, astronomy, biology and other scientific resources to show that the mysteries and miracles of the Exodus have scientific explanations.  These allow us to pinpoint the exact nature, time and place of these miracles and to reconstruct for the first time the true route of the Exodus.
ISBN 0-8264-6952-3 (HB)
continuum London.New York

DAVID KENNEDY - A Venture in Immortality
After his wife died she honours the agreement with her husband that whoever died first would bring proof of continued life to the other. The brilliant medium Albert Best give essential evidence.
Colin Smythe Limited
ISBN 0-86140-284-7

Independent researches on scientific principles about the worldwide phenomenon that we can all achieve by taking pictures with our digital cameras as the Orbs show themselves to us.
Atria Books
ISBN-13 978-1-58270-182-0
ISBN-10 1-58270-182-2

BRIAN LONGHURST - “Seek ye First the Kingdom…” 
Longhurst shines the light of understanding on many misinterpretations from Bible scriptures that have caused guilt and fear – never intended by Jesus – to dominate scores of generations.  “Seek ye First the Kingdom…” brings a liberating, empowering sense of inner peace, enlightenment and encouragement.  You will want to read and re-read this book and share it with your friends.
Six Degrees Publishing Group
ISBN 978-0-9856048-1-3

RAYMOND A. MOODY - Life After Life
The astounding bestseller that offers true experiences of those people declared clinically "dead"... descriptions so similar, so vivid, so overwhelmingly positive that they may change mankind's view of life, death and spiritual survival forever.
Bantam Books
ISBN 0-553-10080-7

RAYMOND A. MOODY and Dianne ARCHANGEL - Life After Loss
The authors examine why grief causes us so much suffering and how it is that some people are able to transcend their loss and become more whole than ever before.  Using a mixture of personal stories and cutting-edge scholarship, this remarkable work will offer insight and support to anyone going through the bereavement process as well as those experiencing any type of loss or separation.
CN 102384

ESTELLE ROBERTS - Forty Years a Medium
Estelle Roberts was described as the most versatile medium of her time by Hannan Swaffer, who knew her well. She had a dramatic and arresting presence on platform and her direct voice séances with apports were attended by the privileged few but often the well-known. Her guide gave great and inspiring philosophy and she healed the cases that the medical profession had given up on.
Herbert Jenkins

ESTELLE ROBERTS - Fifty Years a Medium
A Final Chapter is added by this remarkable medium, much whose work was detailed and recorded by Sylvia and Maurice Barbanell.
SDU Publications
ISBN 1-905961-03-0 and 978-1-905961-03-0

ESTELLE ROBERTS - Red Cloud Speaks
With the foreword by Red Cloud himself, the guided philosophy of a great spiritual team, whose work is still the basis of true spiritual understanding of today.
ISBN 1 874514 00 3

JANE SHERWOOD – Post-Mortem Journal
After many years of enforced silence as a result of a solemn promise Jane Sherwood revealed the enlightening communications from Lawrence of Arabia.
The C.W. Daniel
ISBN 0-85207-253-8

MARGARET STARBIRD - The Woman with the Alabaster Jar - Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail Co Ltd
This book was written by a remarkable lady about another remarkable lady who lived nearly two thousand years before her and it opens up the likely possibility that Jesus was indeed married to Mary Magdalene and that she was with child at the time of the crucifixion.
Bear and Company Publishing
ISBN 1-879181-03-7

JASPER SWAIN - On the Death of My Son
A very moving and personal account by a South African lawyer of how his son came and spoke to him after his death in a car accident to show his father where he was and what had happened to him. He describes the Spirit World and how it works with a refreshing truth and honesty.
Aquarian Press
ISBN 0-85030-788-0